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London Structures Lab believe there is a way to do things better. More creative use of materials, people and technology can lead to improved building quality and efficiency. The right attitude, drive and focus inform an altruistic design solution that is of the greatest benefit to our clients, collaborators, the industry and society. 


We are proud of our work and enjoy what we do. That is why London Structures Lab was born.



London Structures Lab delivers projects through hard work and integrity, using a progressive and solutions driven approach. Our team communicates with clarity and confidence. We are comfortable being open, honest and objective, we build relationships based on trust. Optimal design and construction outcomes are realised through careful analysis of the brief, the site and being empathetic to what the project needs. 



London Structures Lab was formed to address the challenges facing the construction industry- and structural engineering in particular. Whether this be more sustainable design strategies, better integration of digital design processes or responding to more modern ways of working and collaborating the industry is pivoting significantly. The way we responded to this new context was to form a new practice, unencumbered by momentum of the traditional approaches. It enables us to challenge the status quo, to question business as usual, and believe that things can be done better. 


As engineers, as a company and as individuals we strongly believe we have a responsibility to gain and use knowledge and expertise of our discipline for the benefit of our clients, collaborators and society. This comes through our work, through our engagement with academia and our industry and through our study and engagement with wider societal and global issues.

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